Another woman has spoken out about alleged hideous abuse on the part of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Just months after American school teacher Kathryn Mayorga filed a civil suit against the Juventus superstar, accusing him of raping her in a Las Vegas hotel room in 2009, English model and TV personality Jasmine Lennard has come forward with allegations of her own.
Beginning with a tweet Tuesday morning, in which she said she felt compelled to share her stories thanks to the “Surviving R. Kelly” documentary series that aired last week, Lennard unleashed a tweetstorm accusing Ronaldo of years of verbal and psychological bullying and abuse.
Perhaps the ugliest incident Lennard mentions is Ronaldo allegedly telling her he’d have her body “cut up” if she dated anyone else:
Lennard said she’s known Ronaldo for over a decade, and that he retains a team to “fix” potentially scandalous issues that may arise, often through aggressive means:
She also claims to have voice recordings of Ronaldo making threats as well as sharing offensive thoughts on the LGBT and Jewish communities, among other controversial rants. As the time this post was published, she’s tweeted out five such recordings on her handle, @Jasminelennard (WARNING: Offensive language).
She also claimed Ronaldo was often drunk when he left the message
He forbid me to even mention his name as in ever. One time he said I was standing in the mirror and I thought wow I’m looking at the best footballer in the world and so I wrote him back and asked him was messi behind you. He didn’t see the funny side
ennard repeatedly tweeted she hopes Mayorga and her team will reach out to her, as she promises to have more ugly details to release:
Ronaldo and his team have denied the allegations, just as they did with Mayorga’s. Still, Lennard doesn’t appear to be slowing down, and Ronaldo’s legal and moral troubles appear to be spiraling further out of control.